Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hiking Mt. Bukhansan

On Saturday a group of us went hiking in Bukhansan National Park. Located in the northwest of Seoul, we were able to take the subway (brown line 6) all the way to the end and walk to the trail entrance!

Made it to the top!
Our hiking adventure lasted just over 4 hours and was tougher than I thought it would be. There were many parts of the trail that were built, however our route meant large sections of climbing up around fairly large, steep, granite rocks on unmarked trails.

The views at the top were fantastic (minus a large antenna tower crudely disguised as a tree). We could see other mountains far in the distance, as well as a large chunk of the city.

On the way down we stopped at a makoli tent to fill our bellies with haemul-pajon (seafood pancakes) and makoli (rice wine). Being the only patrons at the restaurant, I think they sensed we had no idea how far we were from the subway anymore and offered to drive us back.

My knees are still hurting, days later, but that will pass. Overall, GREAT HIKE!

click below to see more photos from the hike!

Relaxing at the top

One of the steeper walls we had to climb

Took some time for a photo shoot

Finished off the hike with a big meal of  Haemul-pajon (seafood pancakes) and makoli (rice wine)

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